Windows Vista Business upgrade

Windows Vista Business upgrade 6.0 Build 6002

Windows / Microsoft / 56891 / Speċifikazzjoni sħiħa

If you're looking for an upgrade to your Windows operating system, the Windows Vista Business upgrade is a great option. This software is designed specifically for business users and offers a range of features that can help improve productivity and efficiency.

One of the key benefits of this software is its improved security features. With Windows Vista Business, you'll have access to advanced security tools like BitLocker Drive Encryption, which can help protect your data from unauthorized access. You'll also be able to take advantage of User Account Control (UAC), which helps prevent malicious software from making changes to your system without your permission.

In addition to these security features, Windows Vista Business also includes a number of other tools that can help streamline your workflow. For example, the new Aero interface makes it easier than ever before to navigate through multiple windows and applications at once. And with improved search functionality built right into the operating system, finding files and documents has never been easier.

Of course, one of the most important aspects of any operating system upgrade is compatibility with existing hardware and software. Fortunately, Windows Vista Business has been designed with this in mind. Whether you're using older hardware or newer devices like smartphones or tablets, this software should work seamlessly with all your existing technology.

Overall, if you're looking for an upgrade that can help improve productivity and efficiency in a business setting while also providing advanced security features and compatibility with existing technology, then the Windows Vista Business upgrade may be just what you need.

Key Features:

- Advanced security tools like BitLocker Drive Encryption

- User Account Control (UAC) helps prevent malicious software from making changes without permission

- Improved search functionality makes it easy to find files and documents

- Aero interface streamlines navigation through multiple windows

- Compatible with both older hardware as well as newer devices


Klassifikazzjoni tal-edituri Tajjeb ħafna 7.4 minn 10 It-tajjeb: Windows Vista Business itejjeb xi karatteristiċi fi ħdan Windows XP; inqas ħabtiet tas-sistema minn Windows XP; u Windows Vista joffri għażliet ta 'appoġġ integrati aħjar. Il-ħażin: Windows Vista Business ma jpoġġix Fittex fuq id-desktop (huwa midfun fl-applikazzjonijiet, fil-Menu Bidu); l-ebda softwer ġdid għadu miktub esklussivament għall-Windows Vista; ottimizzat biss għall-ekosistema tal-Microsoft Windows (per eżempju, RSS feeds minn Internet Explorer 7 jiksbu trattament preferenzjali); ebda encryption tas-sewqan BitLocker; ebda DVD Maker; u hemm wisq edizzjonijiet tal-Windows Vista. L-aħħar linja: Windows Vista Business huwa essenzjalment msaħħna fuq Windows XP. Jekk bħalissa int kuntent bil-Windows XP SP2, ma naraw l-ebda raġuni konvinċenti biex taġġorna. Min-naħa l-oħra, jekk għandek bżonn kompjuter ġdid bħalissa, Windows Vista huwa stabbli biżżejjed għall-użu ta 'kuljum. Riveduta minn: Robert Vamosi; Riveduta fuq: 1/24/07; Data tar-rilaxx: 1/30/07

Aqra r-reviżjoni kollha.

Speċifikazzjoni sħiħa
Pubblikatur Microsoft
Sit tal-pubblikatur
Data tal-ħruġ 2008-12-05
Data miżjuda 2007-01-29
Kategorija Sewwieqa
Sottokategorija Sewwieqa tal-Motherboard
Verżjoni 6.0 Build 6002
Rekwiżiti Os Windows, Windows XP
Rekwiżiti Windows XP Pro/XP Home/XP Tablet PC, 800MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 30GB hard drive with 20GB disk space, DirectX 9 capable processor (Pixel Shader 2.0 for Aero experience)
Prezz $199.00
Tniżżil fil-ġimgħa 2
Tniżżil totali 56891
