MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition

MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition 1.11. 610

Windows / MetaProducts / 1608 / Speċifikazzjoni sħiħa

MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition is a powerful browser extension that allows users to save and organize web pages, images, and other online content for future reference. This software is designed to help professionals who need to conduct research or gather information from the internet on a regular basis.

With MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition, users can easily capture web pages with just one click. The software automatically saves the page as an HTML file along with all its associated files such as images, videos, and scripts. Users can also annotate the captured pages with notes and comments for easy reference later on.

One of the key features of MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition is its ability to organize captured content into folders and subfolders. Users can create custom categories based on their needs and easily move content between them. This makes it easy to find specific information quickly without having to sift through a large collection of saved pages.

Another useful feature of this software is its ability to search through saved content using keywords or phrases. Users can quickly locate specific information within their saved pages without having to manually browse through each one.

MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition also includes advanced filtering options that allow users to exclude certain types of content from their searches or captures. For example, users can choose not to capture ads or other irrelevant elements on a webpage.

In addition, this software supports integration with popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer which makes it easy for users who are already familiar with these browsers.

Overall MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition is an essential tool for anyone who needs quick access to online resources in order conduct research or gather information efficiently. Its intuitive interface combined with powerful features make it an ideal choice for professionals in various fields including journalism, marketing researches etc.

Key Features:

1) One-click capture: Save webpages along with all associated files

2) Organize captured content into folders/subfolders

3) Annotate captured pages

4) Search through saved content using keywords/phrases

5) Advanced filtering options

6) Integration support for popular browsers

System Requirements:

- Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (32-bit & 64-bit)

- Internet Explorer 6+ / Firefox / Chrome / Safari / Opera


MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition offers a comprehensive solution for capturing and organizing online resources efficiently while providing advanced search capabilities that make finding specific information quick & easy.

This browser extension has been designed keeping in mind the requirements of professionals who need quick access & efficient management tools when conducting researches.

The integration support provided by this software ensures seamless compatibility across multiple platforms making it easier than ever before!


MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition toffri biss l-għodda t-tajba għar-riċerkaturi onlajn. U nagħtuha thumbs-up għall-kapaċità tagħha li taħdem bħala add-on inkorporat mal-Internet Explorer jew bħala browser waħdu.

Bħala waħdu, joffri interface mhux imbarazz u faċli għall-utent b'numru ta 'buttuni fil-toolbar tiegħu; ħġieġa vertikali ta 'stil ta' direttorju-siġra fuq ix-xellug tat-tieqa tagħha; u panew akbar tal-browser fuq il-lemin. It-tutorja inkluża tikklerja kwalunkwe misteri li utent jista' jkollu għall-użu tiegħu. Il-verżjoni IE inkorporata tiffunzjona fi ħdan il-qafas akbar ta 'IE bil-firxa tagħha ta' toolbars u karatteristiċi, sabiex l-utenti li jippreferu l-għażliet ta 'IE biex jaħdmu fuq proġetti ma jkollhomx għalfejn jgħaddu mingħajrhom.

L-għodda wettqet malajr u b'mod sodisfaċenti ħafna matul it-testijiet tagħna. Konna kapaċi nnavigaw għal numru ta 'siti u malajr insalvawhom fil-hard drive tagħna. Konna pjaċevoli doppjament li stajna nsalvaw paġna bl-għażla ta' jekk tinkludix il-grafika tagħha sempliċement billi tkaxkru l-hyperlink tagħha minn paġna għall-folder xieraq fil-panew vertikali tas-siġra tad-direttorju. L-app tinkludi għażliet biex tara kodiċi tas-sors tal-paġni salvati u l-URLs tiegħu, biex tissejvjah bħala grafika miniatura, u għall-editjar tal-kontenut tagħha - kollha utli ħafna meta tiżviluppa rapport jew tip ieħor ta 'preżentazzjoni minn paġni salvati.

Filwaqt li MetaProducts Inquiry Professional Edition hija faċli biex tużah u toffri sett ta 'karatteristiċi robusti, il-prezz tiegħu ta' wara l-prova jista 'jkun daqsxejn wieqaf għal ħafna utenti. Madankollu, jekk twettaq ħafna riċerka online, din l-għodda għall-qbid u l-editjar tal-paġni tkun utli ħafna hekk kif taħdem fuq proġetti.

Speċifikazzjoni sħiħa
Pubblikatur MetaProducts
Sit tal-pubblikatur
Data tal-ħruġ 2013-02-20
Data miżjuda 2013-02-21
Kategorija Browsers
Sottokategorija Żidiet u Plugins tal-Internet Explorer
Verżjoni 1.11. 610
Rekwiżiti Os Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows XP
Rekwiżiti None
Prezz Free to try
Tniżżil fil-ġimgħa 0
Tniżżil totali 1608
